
Dear Sir or Madam,
In accordance to the commitment and quality policy, the Registry of securities of the F BiH collects data on customer satisfaction of our services. We believe your evaluation of our services quality will be usefull both, for you and for us. Also we beleieve that Registry could use these data for affirmation of the quality of its services.

Are you satisfied with the professional attitude of the employees of the Registry to you?
Very Satisfied :
Satisfied :
Very Dissatisfied:

Which kind of communication with the Registry you are satisfied/dissatisfied?
Phone: Satisfied:   Dissatisfied:
Fax: Satisfied:   Dissatisfied:
E-mailom: Satisfied:   Dissatisfied:
Writing: Satisfied:   Dissatisfied:

Which kind of service of the Registry you are satisfied/dissatisfied?
Issuance of certificate of the statament of account: Satisfied: Dissatisfied:
Transfer of securities traded outside the stock exchange: Satisfied: Dissatisfied:
Transfer of securities by inheritance: Satisfied: Dissatisfied:
Writing: Satisfied: Dissatisfied:

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