

* Search condition: Title, description or date(d.m.yyyy)

Date Title Description
11.4.2024. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on Mart 04, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol GORCR, ISIN number: BAGORCR00003, issuer GORICA DD BUGOJNO - u stečaju, quantity 438817, nominal value 12,5 BAM.
    11.4.2024. Registration (Removal) securities in (from) RVP system This is to inform you that, on November 23, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol TRZBH1, ISIN number: BATRZBH10004, issuer ZiraatBank BH d.d ,quantity 2000, nominal share value 10000 BAM.

  • entered new securities into the Registry registration system:

  • SymbolTRZBR ISIN number: BATRZBR00004, issuer ZiraatBank BH d.d , quantity 2000, nominal share value 10000 BAM.

    25.3.2024. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on March 25, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • Symbol DCGDR, ISIN number: BADCGDR00006, issuer DC GRADAČAC DD GRADAČAC, quantity 106028, nominal share value 18,19 BAM.
    22.3.2024. Registration treasury papers in RVP system This is to inform you that, on March 22, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • entered new securities:

  • Symbol FBIHT81, ISIN number: BAFBIHT81006, issuer FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE-FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO FINANCIJA ,quantity 2.845, nominal treasury paper value 10.000,00 BAM, Issue date March 20, 2024, Maturity date September 18, 2024.
    4.3.2024. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on Mart 04, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol UMENR, ISIN number: BAUMENR00003, issuer ENERGETIKA z.d.d. Bugojno, quantity 309388, nominal value 12,5 BAM.
    12.2.2024. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 12, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • JPUMR , ISIN number: BAJPUMR00007, issuer JP UBORAK DD MOSTAR u stečaju ,quantity 70060, nominal share value 10 BAM.
    7.2.2024. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on February 07, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol ZROMR, ISIN number: BAZROMR00002, issuer ZRAK - OPTOMEHANIKA DD KISELJAK, quantity 35536, nominal value 57,00 BAM.
    25.1.2024. Removal securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on January 25, 2024, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • removed securities:

  • BRTSRK1, ISIN number: BABRTSRK1009, issuer BRATSTVO DD GORNJI VAKUF ,quantity 20781, nominal share value 41,12 BAM.
    28.12.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on December 28, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol DCGDR, ISIN number: BADCGDR00006, issuer DC GRADAČAC DD GRADAČAC, quantity 106028, nominal value 18,19 BAM.
    21.12.2023. Suspension securities from RVP system This is to inform you that, on December 21, 2023, the Registry of Securities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed the following:
  • suspension securities:

  • Symbol GIKORK5, ISIN number: BAGIKORK5009, issuer GIK OKO D.D. SARAJEVO-ILIDŽA, quantity 1684499, nominal value 8,5 BAM.
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